Climate Change and Artificial intelligence
What is climate change? Climate change refers to permanent changes in world weather and temperature patterns that occur gradually and periodically. Such changes can be
What is climate change? Climate change refers to permanent changes in world weather and temperature patterns that occur gradually and periodically. Such changes can be
For those of you who come from coastal areas, you must be familiar with mangrove forests – or mangrove forests. Along the beach will be
Download the Full Content in Indonesian: Carbon storage is one option that can be used to reduce carbon in the atmosphere to reduce the concentration
Download: Press Release Land disputes between the community and companies both state-owned and private are still phenomenal problems that demand resolution. The government’s granting of land
The siak and Pelalawan district governments together with Paradigma and Cognate Coalition consisting of Perkumpulan Elang, Manka, and EcoNusantara Associations held a meeting and discussion
Movies are one of the most popular forms of entertainment for most people in the world. There are millions of films that have been produced
Music is becoming one of the very common things in the community. There are millions of music works from all over the world that convey
Disposable sanitary napkins contribute significantly to the destruction of nature and the environment. This is because disposable sanitary napkins end up in landfills after use.
The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) stated that from January to August 2019, the total area of forest and land burned throughout Indonesia reached 328,724
Jl. Burangrang No.16, RT.04/RW.3, Babakan, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Bogor City, West Java 16128, Indonesia
Email: office@econusantara.org
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