The effectiveness of study visits in increasing knowledge capacity for stakeholders of the village forest management collaboration program in the landscape of the Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province

Village forest management (HD) is a sustainable forest management system that aims to improve community welfare through regional governance, institutional governance and business governance. Indeed, the management of village forests has not been able to be carried out alone by the Village Forest Management Institute (LPHD), but on the other hand, collaborative management still has challenges to be carried out. Increasing the knowledge of stakeholders in collaborative village forest management is still needed.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the study visit approach in increasing the knowledge of stakeholders on village forest management in the landscape of the Kampar Peninsula. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) approach. The subjects of the study were participants of the study visit who were representatives of LPHD management, Village Government and Village Forest Management Partner Institutions in the landscape of the Kampar Peninsula.

The results of the study visit reflected that the participants gained a good understanding of institutional governance, regional governance and business governance. A qualitative comparison between Product and Context in this study shows that the study visit approach is effective in increasing participants’ knowledge of institutional governance, regional governance and business governance for village forest management. Coordination that builds both between LPHD and Village Governments and Partner Institutions can develop collaborative management capabilities and strengthen the integration of study visit experiences into village forest management collaboration at the site level.

This paper has not been published scientifically.

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