We believe development can be delinked from unsustainable natural resource use and have a history of working with others to demonstrate how.


has been active in various non-governmental organizations since 1997. In 2002 he and other activists established the Riau Forest Rescue Network (Jikalahari), which he led for the next five years. He was also one of the initiators of the Eyes on the Forest project in 2005.

Asep Adhikerana

is an expert in conservation issues in Indonesia, and has been a qualified manager with more than 10 years of experience leading the technical and managerial administration and implementation of conservation and environmental programs in Indonesia.

Darkono Tjawikrama

Darkono has over twenty years of experience in using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and mapping, including Global Positioning System (GPS), and monitoring High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) in palm oil concessions.


has started his challenge on social and non governmental organization since early 2018 wjen he joined Perkumpulan Elang. He served as a consultant focusing his work on alternative econmy empowerment for the community in Riau. His previous eight years works were majorly on fnancial institutions and banks.


Active as an environmental activist in an NGO (Laksana Samudera Foundation) from 2000 to 2012 which focused on the issue of managing coastal and marine areas for mangroves and coral reefs in the Riau and Riau Islands region, especially on community empowerment for natural resource management.


is a graduate of a private university who started her career at EcoNusantara as an administrative and finance staff since the company was founded, then in 2019 was responsible for the office and finance of EcoNusantara.

Dhoni Saputra

has more than twelve years of experience in the IT field in various companies and non-government organizations from 2008 through website development consulting, SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tools) conservation software, and graphic design.


received her diploma degree on Accounting from Riau University. Her experiences in accounting started from 2017 as Accounting Staff and Cashier.

Irwan Budiarto

graduated from Forestry Faculty of Institut Pertanian Bogor, Irwan Budiarto has an experience of more than 6 years in the Geographic Information System. During his professional career he has been involved in research and projects with various national-international companies and NGOs.

Teguh Surya

served as Coordinator of the Riau Advocacy Group for the period 2002-2003, and served as Deputy Director of Walhi Riau in 2003-2008 also. In mid 2008 he attended a course program on political ecology at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, Netherlands. Then he served as Head of the Department of Advocacy and National Executive Campaign of Walhi (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) for the period 2008-2012. At the regional level, he was entrusted as a member of the Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific board for the 2009-2011 period, then in the 2012-2016 period he worked as a forest political campaigner at the Greenpeace Indonesia office, Jakarta. In 2016, he founded the Sustainable Madani Foundation with 7 of his fellow environmental social activists. He led the Sustainable Madani Foundation for 5 years (2016-2021) before moving to work with EcoNusantara Lestari.

Edi Sutrisno

Edi Sutrisno (Gun) has experienced in conflict resolution land tenure, providing assistance, training for communities, legal assistance (litigation), non- litigation advocacy (complaints to the RSPO, central and local governments, banking, OECD, CAO IFC, UN CERD Committee). Gun has worked extensively with a wide variety stakeholders, including international and national NGOs, governments, indigenous and local communities, financial institution, and the private sector.

Anwar Sadat

is packing more than 15 years of work experiences in environmental works. He served as Director of WALHI Sumsel (2009-2013) after serving as Advocation Manager from 2004 until 2009 for WALHI Sumsel. His excellent works with government in environmental works leading him to serve as Experts on Participatory Development of Village Community Development and Empowerment Programs for Village Ministry of The Republic of Indonesia (2015-2018).

Sunarto Budi

has more than 15 years of experience in managing office operational needs in various non-profit organizations and companies.


in 2022 Rahayu started joining EcoNusantara as an office administration and finance assistant staff. Rahayu also helps manage office operational needs.

Musri Nauli

was born in Jambi, is notable green activist and legal expert who shows up in extensive media coverage particularly in Jambi. He dedicates his entire life to fight for justice, human rights, legal and environmental issues. Majoring in law as his education background, he works as an advocate and mediator.

Rifky Mulyadi Gusti

is an experienced copywriter, content creative writer and community manager with a demonstrated history of working in the digital media industry from 2006 through creating, maintaining and developing content services and lead the development of organizational-wide digital media management standards, policies and rules of engagement for all digital media channels.

Zolla Firmalia Rossa

received a bachelor's degree in education at Padang State University. His career started when he joined EcoNusantara in early 2022, and now he is responsible for media and communications staff.

Rifqi Rahmat Hidayatullah

received a master degree on Natural Resources and Environmental Management from the Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB). From 2013 Rifqi dedicated with various student organizations majoring in environmental issues. Upon achieving his academic title, he dedicated in various works.