Improving the Capacity of Human Resources of the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) of Teluk Lanus Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, Riau Province through Village Forest Security Training

Village forests are state forests that in their management are given to village institutions that aim to prosper a village. The consequences of the approval of village forest management for the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) are the obligation to maintain forest functions, protect their areas from environmental destruction and pollution, and carry out forest protection. This obligation is realized by carrying out village forest security activities or patrols.

The limited ability of human resources is one of the obstacles to LPHD’s readiness to carry out the patrol activities. This training was carried out to improve the basic ability of LPHD human resources in carrying out village forest security activities and support the capacity of the Protection and Supervision Section in carrying out its responsibilities.

The results of the training showed a better understanding and readiness of LPHD in carrying out village forest security practices, including patrol preparation, technical implementation and documentation of monitoring results. The readiness of LPHD Teluk Lanus Village is expected to accelerate the collaborative program of village forest management in the landscape of the Kampar Peninsula in facilitating support for village forest security activities.

This paper has not been scientifically published.

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