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Land disputes between the community and companies both state-owned and private are still phenomenal problems that demand resolution. The government’s granting of land use to companies often clashes with communities that also feel entitled to the same land.
The settlement of land disputes over the years has been judged to be carried out unfairly and not transparently so that the community is always in a disadvantaged position, some are even done through means that violate Human Rights (HAM). Advocacy efforts and campaigns carried out by CSOs demand ways of resolving land disputes by means of intimidation, violence, criminalization and ways that is not fair to end, has been responded by most companies especially industry sectors pulp and plantations of palm oil by announcing the sustainability policy.
Since 2016 EcoNusantara with parties including private sector, NGOs and communities continue to strive to develop methods or platforms solving land disputes or agrarian conflicts that meet the principles of fairness, respect, no coercion, and openness.
One of the land dispute cases that has been going on for years, where the settlement has been facilitated by EcoNusantara since April 2019 is a land dispute between PT. Bumi Persada Permai (BPP) with the Simpang Bayat Village community group. BPP is a supplier of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) and this case has received widespread attention among CSOs/NGOs globally.
On December 6th, 2022 the parties (PT. BPP and Communities) have reached an agreement to end the land dispute, the agreement is stated in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by representatives each party. The parties have also announced to the public a press release (click here) that the agreement has been reached.